I Can't Afford a Homebirth and Other Money Issues


First Babies Can Fall Out But Often They Don't

Taking Back Birth

Are You a Birth Witch?


How We Named 
Our Babies



It almost seems as if the minute you announce you are pregnant so many people bombard you with what they know is right for you and your baby. I do not understand it. I mean I am guilty of it too, but honestly. How on earth could anyone but yourself know what is good for […]

Why Do So Many Care?


Circumcision has become a well known practice throughout the world. And sadly it has become an epidemic. It wasn’t until recently when the benefits of leaving your son intact have started to emerge. We were blinded by what the qualified doctors and pediatricians would tell us is right for our sons instead of listening to […]

It’s Not Your Foreskin… So Don’t Touch It

Postpartum - Mama and Baby

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